Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Party of Five

We are now officially a party of five with the arrival of Harper Marie Rutledge. (Poor Max has no idea.) She arrived November 29th at 7:27 pm. She weighed 8lbs 1 oz and was just 21.26 inches. She is a little darling and looks just like her big brother, but with dark hair.

When Finn was born I felt like we stepped into the abyss of parenthood totally unprepared. We have laughed and cried our way through the first 20 months and now we are starting our next parenting adventure with Miss Harper. My hope is that we have learned a little something along the way. So far, I can tell we both are better at putting diapers on and we now understand the joy that a child brings into your life.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations from the Illinois Crew! Way to go! She is absolutely adorable! Keep up the good work - and the parenting part is easy - just love them!

    Mike Dawn Ashley & Joshua
